Reviewing Google AppEngine for Java (Part 1)

When Google announced that Java is the second language that the Appengine will support I almost didn’t believe it given the surge of the new languages and the perception that Java entered legacy but the JVM is a powerful tried-and-true environment and Google saw the potential of using it for what it is bound to… Continue reading Reviewing Google AppEngine for Java (Part 1)

Spincloud Labs: Political boundaries overlay in Google maps (Part 2)

Update Sep.21.2011: I took the code in the two parts and made a github project off of it called Gborders. The code is simpler and there are more options to generate the borders overlay based on geographic regions. Happy forks! In Part 1 we imported world political borders into a database table. In this second… Continue reading Spincloud Labs: Political boundaries overlay in Google maps (Part 2)

Spincloud Labs: Political boundaries overlay in Google maps (Part 1)

Update Sep.21.2011: I took the code in this post and part deux and made a github project off of it called Gborders. The code is simpler and there are more options to generate the borders overlay based on geographic regions. Happy forks! One thing I needed when designing the Meteoalarm mashup for Spincloud were the… Continue reading Spincloud Labs: Political boundaries overlay in Google maps (Part 1)

Spincloud now integrates with Europe’s weather warning service Meteoalarm

A short month after the initial public release of Spincloud, I am pleased to announce the addition of a new feature: integration with the European weather warning service Meteoalarm which provides the most relevant information needed to prepare for extreme weather, expected to occur over Europe.  The colors indicate the severity of the danger and… Continue reading Spincloud now integrates with Europe’s weather warning service Meteoalarm

@BreakingNewsOn map

I’m a bit of a news junkie and when I heard that a twitter stream called @BreakingNewsOn existed I did the natural geekish thing, mash it up. Yahoo pipes was my friend here. I haven’t used the Pipes before but that didn’t quite matter, Yahoo did a great job keeping this playgroundsy product in the child realm so… Continue reading @BreakingNewsOn map

Gmail themes, skin deep

Today was my lucky day according to least one popular blog. I got the Themes tab enabled in my gmail account, wohoo! I only wish they could change the font sizes too, I’m up for a microscopic look’n feel, really small and cozy-cute. My current favorite is the Shiny theme: Now, if only googlers would add a Cover Flow option instead… Continue reading Gmail themes, skin deep